The Management of EQUIPOS LAGOS, S.A. a company dedicated to the design, manufacture and assembly of industrial, automotive & aerospace paint booths and ovens, has set the objective of always fulfilling the expectations of customers who request our products. To this end, it has set up the necessary structure to develop, document and implement a quality management system that ensures compliance with the requirements for the manufacture of our products within the quality parameters demanded by our customers and the established legal requirements.

Furthermore, with the firm commitment to guarantee the protection of the environment, the prevention of pollution and the reduction of the environmental impact that our activities and services may cause, and to provide safe and healthy working conditions to prevent injuries and the deterioration of workers’ health, we have adopted a system of environmental management and occupational health and safety management.

Being aware of the continuous changes in the market and the increasing competitiveness, of the new legal requirements in environmental and labour issues, and of the greater awareness and commitment of all interested parties, EQUIPOS LAGOS establishes a continuous improvement process by means of:

  • The establishment of quality, environment and health and safety objectives.
  • Periodic audits of the management system.
  • The annual review of the system by the Management.
  • Providing the necessary human and financial resources.

With this systematic approach, EQUIPOS LAGOS aims to comply with the following points:

  • To obtain the maximum degree of customer satisfaction.
  • To achieve a standard of quality based solely on the contractual requirements, wishes and expectations of customers.
  • To improve the manufacturing process.
  • To comply with all legal requirements in environmental, health and safety issues, and other requirements to which the organization subscribes.
  • To adopt all necessary measures to eliminate hazards and reduce health and safety risks, thus guaranteeing all necessary means and resources for the consultation and participation of workers.
  • To care for and preserve the environment around us through environmental initiatives.
  • To train and sensitise all the staff towards quality, towards the correct environmental performance and the carrying out of activities in the best health and safety conditions, in such a way that all employees of EQUIPOS LAGOS must be responsible for their activities within the company.
  • To make an effort to achieve continuous improvement of the Management System to improve performance.

The application of this policy requires the active integration of the entire team of EQUIPOS LAGOS and to achieve this, the Management considers it a priority to assume its responsibilities in maintaining this policy.


Bergondo, April 20th, 2022